USA Computing Olympiad (USACO), Gold Division

Mastering coding enabled me to collect and analyze data, automate tasks, and solve tricky problems.

I self-studied AP Computer Science A in ninth grade and passed the USACO Silver level. To prep for the Gold Division promotion contest, I spent weekends over four months learning techniques like dynamic programming, binary trees, and graph theory.

A total of 3747 individuals (2901 pre-college students) participated in the 1/2022 USACO Silver Division contest. All competitors who scored 750 or higher were promoted to the Gold Division. I scored 1000/1000, rank 1(tie) among all pre-college students.

Problem 1: Searching for Soulmates My Submission (in C++)
Problem 2: Cow Frisbee My Submission (in C++)
Problem 3: Cereal 2 My Submission (in C++)

Thanks for USACO Guide, I learned a lot of programming skills from this site for passing promotion contests.